
Matric Exams Cheating: Mpumalanga Education Department Launches Probe

Examination malpractice is a common problem, especially among students who want to fly without merit. It is actually a universal problem but more predominant in some areas.

In South Africa, especially in Mpumalanga, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) is probing examination malpractice in the recently concluded matric examinations. According to multiple reports. Some students had paid teachers as much as R1,500 to give them answers to matric questions over WhatsApp groups.

Shocked by the incident and what impact it might have in South Africa’s academic universe, the department has put measures in place to identify the perpetrators.

Gerald Sambo of the provincial education department noted that the department is shocked that some people should choose to bypass systems put in place to uphold the integrity of public examinations. He, therefore, welcomed the probe that will take place in collaboration with the DBE.

This is, of course, not the first time incident of examination malpractice will snag the attention of the public. It’s happened before and might continue to happen if students try to cheat the system and get ahead academically.

It remains to be seen what the outcome of the investigation into the case will be. Stay tuned if you please.

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