
Meet Maglera Doe Boy, Musician & Fashion Boundaries Breaker

Many know him simply as a rapper, but Maglera Doe Boy is one bloke who wouldn’t mind being known for other things, including his fashion sense. At least, he showed this aspect of him recently, provoking a conversation online.

In pictures currently making he rounds online, it could be seen that the songster had taken the trouble to create a particular outfit which he rocked for the world to see. It is unclear what his motivations were, but he clearly succeeded in snagging the attention of many South Africans.

The result is that many have no qualms stating out loud that he pushed fashion boundaries with his outfit. Now, that is more than a compliment for a rapper who is otherwise known only for his songs and collaboration with other musicians.

The acknowledgement is especially significant because while South African rap is gaining resonance, the denizens of that universe are rarely seen to be pushing fashion boundaries. You can check out Maglera Doe Boy’s outfit that got the Rainbow Nation talking below.

Would this fashion win translate to more musical advancement for Maglera Doe Boy? We can’t say, but the positive publicity is more than welcome for the songster and his music career.

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