
Mixed Reactions As Shimza Calls For Logo Designs

South African disc jockey and producer Shimza faced criticism and a storm of sarcasm from a section of Twitter after tweeting to graphic design Twitter that he’s looking to change his logo and asking for designers to pitch designs to him.

Some Twitter users accused him of asking for a free service while not providing a free service himself. They compared him to other celebrities who love free stuff while at the same time disliking providing services for free. 

A particularly sarcastic tweeter had asked Shimza to come to perform at his girlfriend’s graduation for him to see whether Shimza is good enough to be hired. The tweet was liked over 5k times. 

Well, Shimza had his supporters. According to most of them, there is nothing wrong with what the “Dark Caves” chanter had done. They noted that global celebs, including Lewis Hamilton, had done the same. 

They noted that openly calling for designs was a way to give a chance to designers who may not be famous to present their works and have a shot at the limelight. 

About the criticism, though, Shimza has said nothing. And it’s doubtful he’d say anything. He’s already fully booked and has his eyes on the road. 

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