
Mixed Reactions Trail Bontle Modiselle’s Egyptian-Inspired Outfit At The Metro FM Awards

She is one of the most loved South African celebrities out there, but Bontle Modiselle appeared to have failed to impress a lot of people at the recently concluded Metro FM Awards,m where she appeared in an Egyption-inspired outfit.

The celebrated choreographer rocked a gold gown with a hat that looked like something out of ancient Egypt. She was as glamorous as you can imagine – our verdict. But some of those who saw pictures of her at the event were unimpressed.

This much was evident in their responses to her outfit to the occasion. One of her critics wrote: “Her commitment to horrible outfits is commendable.” Another interjected:  “I agree. I mean who wakes up and puts a dustbin on their head.”

For the president of Black Twitter, Chris Excel, the outfit was not just horrible, but it also gave him migraines from staring at it. Can you beat that? You can check out the post and follow the comments to it below.

The thing is – and this Bontle probably already knows – people will always talk and other isn’t much she can do about it. The important thing is that she stepped out the way she wanted to.

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