
Mixed Reactions Trail Thuli Phongolo Thuli Phongolo Criticised for Withdrawing Charges Against DJ Maphorisa

South African DJ and socialite Thuli Phongolo has just withdrawn her assault case against DJ Maphorisa, leaving some South Africans wondering why she should do that and others criticising her decision and warning her that she might end up the same way as another lady musician who had brought assault charges against her former lover.

Thuli Phongolo claimed that DJ Maphorisa assaulted her. She had also reported the case to the police and he was arrested for gender-based violence. Although he tried to get bail, the police denied him, insisting that he would have to appear in court, which would either grant him bail or remand him to the slammer.

And then, out of the blue, news hit social media that she had withdrawn her assault charge against him after all. Some tweeps made it clear they doubted that the musician actually assaulted her, making references to claims Lady Zamar had made against Sjava earlier.

And yet some criticised her, wondering why she should institute the case and then withdraw it. What was the purpose, they asked. To have DJ Maphorisa cancelled and then act like nothing had happened? It appears the drama is only just beginning as DJ Maphorisa is yet to say anything.

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