
MK Party’s Big Threat To The ConCourt Over Zuma Ruling

The ruling African National Congress (ANC) is probably having a good laugh while the bickering and infighting continue in the opposition uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) Party.

The fighting has gone on for a while now, and even with national elections just days away, there appears to be no change in sight yet.

Well, with the recent Constitutional Court ruling which barred party leader Jacob Zuma from contesting elections for parliament, the party has threatened to challenge the ruling up to the United Nations.

This threat has led to even more conversation about the crisis in the party, with some South Africans wondering how the UN has the power to hear or even adjudicate the case.

The latest storm comes on the heels of the expulsion of party founder Jabulani Khumalo and four others from the party. They were deemed “rogue elements” whose actions were hurting the party.

Well, with the ConCourt ruling still standing and the prospect of Zuma being a part of the ballot this election circle seemingly diminishing, it will be interesting to see whether the party will make good its threat and head to the UN. And if it did, of course, the verdict would interest the Rainbow Nation.

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