
Mo-Fired: DJ Sbu Marks Anniversary Of Being Fired From Metro FM, As Well As Energy Drink Launch

It’s been a while but South African entrepreneur and musician DJ Sbu still has grand memories of his time at Metro FM, where he served as a show host. He was fired from his position and has not been back since. And that’s despite having shown interest in working with the station again.

Anyway, he appeared to have kept in mind the days when he served at the station and when he was fired. During the 10th anniversary of his energy drink MoFaya, he celebrated not just the drink but his firing from Metro FM as well.

Both are somehow linked. DJ Sbu had advertised his MoFaya drink on stage during the Metro FM Awards. He was fired as a result. But that didn’t end his story. Actually, in the years since then, his MoFaya brand has grown. However, he has not been able to return to Metro FM.

Anyway, he had taken to social media to celebrate the anniversary of MoFaya as well as his firing from Metro FM. it turned out his fans were more than happy to celebrate his MoFaya milestone with him and wish him the best going forward.

Well, for DJ Sbu, life and the brand must go on.

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