
Moshe Ndiki On Becoming A Father

Fatherhood – a priceless privilege. That is one phrase we see thrown all over the place. The people who peddle that phrase should know. After all, it isn’t everyone who wants to be a father that ends up being one.

South African actor and media personality Moshe Ndiki might be counted among the lucky, having just joined the father’s club, with twins.

To be a dad is something Moshe Ndiki has always dreamed of. That dream was there right from his high school days. Interstingly, even the names of the children were chosen back then.

That dream remained alive until it was finally actualised as an adult. Now, who in his position wouldn’t be happy?

Moshe Ndiki became a father via surrogacy. Speaking about his journey to becoming a father, he readily admitted that the concept of surrogacy was unfamiliar to his family members.

of course, he had to explain the same to them. But that’s by the way. The most important thing for him is that he’s fulfilled a longtime dream. “I adore the unique way children reason, a trait I’ve observed in my nieces and godson,” he observed.

As things stand, he is going to see a lot of such traits in the coming days. Some solidarity.

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