
My Frustrations: Tyler Perry’s Update On “Sister Act 3”

If you are a big fan of American filmmaker and especially his “Sister Act” series, you might want to know that he’s got some cheese regarding “Sister Act 3.”

He is frustrated with the low pace of the film, but harped out patience, as he is determined to create not just another flick but something that truly stands out,

This, of course, entails getting the best out there, from scriptwriters, story, etc. to project the best of what he wants to do. “I’m a little annoyed with how long this has taken me,” he observed during a chat with Entertainment Tonight.

It turns out that some of his fans are also frustrated with the slow pace of things and will rather the producers round things off quickly so they can immerse themselves in the world of the film.

But then, there are those who are not too concerned about the slow pace, feeling that what matters is that the producers create something quality and memorable.

Well, it’s only a matter of time before fans get to see “Sister Act 3.” How they react to the final flick is, of course, entirely up to them. Regardless, we might bring you more details as they drop.

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