
Mzansi Drools Over Babes Wodumo’s Banging Body

Mzansi is caught drooling over Babes Wodumo’s banging body as she posts a picture of herself working out.

There is a reason why Babes Wodumo remains one of the most talked about celebs in the country even if she does not release new music. She knows how to get everyone talking about her. All she needs to do is either post a picture or show up somewhere.

The star lost her husband Mampintsha a while ago and she’s been intentionally putting in the work to get her life back on track. Babes returned to the stage this year and she’s been killing it since. Everyone who has seen her perform has spoken about her infectious energy which is hard to ignore.

Babes recently shared a picture of herself working out and it was reposted by MDN News. Fans could not stop drooling over the picture. They noted that she’s been looking better than she did when she was with Mampintsha. Some also noted that she’s been taking better care of herself.

@IAMTHEEPREACHER wrote, “She’s fire nowadays better than the time she was dating umampintsha.”

thumbelina_r replied, “I knew you’d bounce back. I’m so proud of you.”

@sheilamanyorio also reacted, “Surely there’s God. Babes look good. She’s gaining weight and looks happy.”

Mzansi Drools Over Babes Wodumo'S Banging Body 2

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