
Mzansi Puzzled Over Julius Malema’s “Ace Magashule” Tweet

If nothing else, at least Julius Malema can be counted on for his controversial takes. Well, she showed that side of himself again, leaving many of his compatriots somewhat puzzled.

The EFF leader had taken to his official X account where he simply wrote a cryptic message: “Ace Magashule.” Two words, but they bear so many possibilities – so many, in fact, that they have caused quite a buzz across South Africa.

Many are currently speculating whether the former ANC chieftain is about to join – or has already quietly joined – forces with Malema of the EFF ahead of the presidential elections next year (2024). While the questions have been flying all over the place on what the message might be, Malema himself has not addressed or explained his tweet.

He is being a tease, agreed. But then, whatever message he wanted to pass, it can’t stay hidden forever. with just a few weeks into 2024, the truth of that tweet would inevitably emerge soon. Of course, Ace Magashule joining the EFF will be a whole new story in itself, with the potential for mixed reactions from the political class and the general public.

Well, just watch out as Malema plays his next card.

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