
Mzansi Reacts To Ngizwe Mchunu’s Seperation From Third Wife

It is one thing to get married and a different ball game to actually stay married. Getting married is seemingly the easy part, and staying married is where things get hard – or so it appears.

Anyway, South African media personality Ngizwe Mchunu nis in the nes again, this time for another failed marriage. Multiple reports indicate he has just been seprated from his third wife. Yeah, third wife.

With two already failed marriage, another failed one is bound to raise questions. And that is exactly what is happening right now. While details of what led to the collapse of his third marriage have not been given, South Africans are already sharing their thoughts on the failed relationship.

From the reactions to the news of the separation, it is clear that Mzansi is unimpressed with the whole drama, and they are blaimng Ngizwe for it all. After all, according to some of them, he was the one who took the initiative to get married. Or could it ce that he failed to properly vet the peson he married?

The questions are many, with seemingly no answers to them yet. Well, the coming days should provide more clues about the failed marriage

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