
Nandi Madida Shows Off Son Shaka’s Drawing Skills

Nandi Madida’s young family throbs with many talents. This much we see manifest over and over again. Nandi is an actress and a singer and accomplished in both areas. Her husband Zakaes Bantwinin is himself a man of many talents who recently won a Grammy for his music.

It doesn’t end there, however. Their son SHaka, named after on the the greatest Zulu kings, is himself a house of talents. The kid is a gifted artist who draws at every opportunity.

If you have been following Nandi Madida, you probably already know that she shares her son’s drawings now and then, leaving waves of admiring comments from the public over how good Shaka is.

Well, he shared his latest drawings once again and the reviews were just as good – something that will gladden the heart of any parent. In her latest post, she shared a clip of him live at work drawing a carton.

The clip ended with him having accomplished what he wanted to draw. It was excellent work, if you asked us. You can check it out below and see for yourself.

And yes, as Nandi Madida said, Shaka will go far with his drawing talent. Keep an eye on him y’all.

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