
Nasty C On Eating Amasi On Stage During His Metro FM Awards Performance

South African rapper Nasty C snagged attention recently after he ate amasi on stage during a decidedly electric performance at the Metro FM Music Awards last weekend.

It was a moment many didn’t see coming, but when it happened, South Africans were chuffed with it. In no time clips of the gesture started flying all over Mzansi’s social media.

Nasty C himself shared a picture of that moment and gave context to his actions. According to the “Zulu Man With Some Power,” his eating amasi on stage was for the 9 years he has been in the game as a musician. In that period, of course, he has contributed remarkably to the culture.

From being an obscure artist, he has risen to the top of the rap game not just in South Africa but in Africa as a whole. His latest win (gig) is not surprising either, as he had bagged several awards previously and performed at important events across the Rainbow Nation. You can check out the amasi post below.

Nasty C On Eating Amasi On Stage During His Metro Fm Awards Performance 2

Here, without meaning to, Nasty C has shown again with his award win that, true to the title of one of his popular albums, he is indeed a Zulu Man with Some Power. Congratulations are in order for your amasi warrior.

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