
NEHAWU Going Ahead With Strike Despite Interdict

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) is going on strike to press home its demands which have not been met by the authorities.

The union is demanding a wage increase of between 10 and 12 per cent but the authorities only offered a 4.7 per cent increase. The figure didn’t sit well with the union hence its call on its members to strike and force the authorities to reconsider their position and increase wages accordingly.

It appears that’s not happening right now. In fact, aware that the union might be obdurate and make good its threat to begin striking today, Monday, March 6, the department of Public Service and Administration had gone to court to obtain an interdict stopping the union from going on strike.

Interestingly, NEHAWU appears defiant and insists that it would go on strike despite the interdict. In a statement on Sunday, the union made it clear it was unimpressed with the verdict of the court which failed to give reasons for the interdict. Abd for this reason, the union insists that it would be going ahead with its strike.

How the issue will be resolved – if at all – is something South Africans have their eyes peeled for. Stay tuned.

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