
Netizens Impressed As Pictures Of Faith Nketsi Cooking In Rural Area Emerges Online

Long long after many mocked her for allegedly leaving her husband when he fell to hard times and going back to life “on the streets,” it appears like South African musician and reality show star Faith Nketsi is back in the good books of the  Twitterati after a picture of her elegantly dressed and apparently preparing food in a rural area popped online.

A Twitter user had shared the photograph of faith, properly covered this time, stirring something in a large pot, with steam wafting into the sky in a jubilant journey to nowhere. The Twitter user expressed his shock that it was actually Faith Nketsi. A laughing and other emojis indicated he was impressed with what he saw.

The reactions to the picture leaned toward his sentiments. South Africans appeared pleased with the picture and the rapper as well, as she conveyed the image of a decent rural wife in the image. They were like, our rural makoti [put a love-eyes emoji here] .

Netizens Impressed As Pictures Of Faith Nketsi Cooking In Rural Area Emerges Online 2

Netizens Impressed As Pictures Of Faith Nketsi Cooking In Rural Area Emerges Online 3Netizens Impressed As Pictures Of Faith Nketsi Cooking In Rural Area Emerges Online 4

Faith Nketsi had a reputation for being “wild,” so the reactions the picture is currently generating are understandable. Whether she has changed from her old ways into a modest makoti is something the coming days should be able to reveal

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