
NLC Fraud Scandal: Arthur Mafokate Dragged Again After “Testing The Waters”

It is not yet uhuru for embattled kwaito singer Arthur Mafokate, who is under investigation for his alleged involvement in the National Lottery Commission (NLC) fraud.

The case involving the songster has dragged on for long, appeared dormant at some point, but has only just roared back to life with the authorities freezing assets allegedly gotten from corrupt enrichment – use of lottery funds to buy personal properties and not for the purpose they were intended.

At the time the case was initially brought against the singer, he had denied it and insisted on his innocence. In the latest investigation, he had cried on camera but South Africans were not convinced about his innocence, and they called him out.

It was so bad that when he showed off his farm and informed young people about potential food scarcity in the coming years while encouraging them to get back to the land, South Africans were mordant and claimed the farm was gotten from the lottery funds.

That marks the end of the dragging online, right? Wrong. Now, whenever the 999 Records boss shares a post, South Africans throng his comment section to bring up the lottery scam. In the latest instance, they are calling him “lotto king” in mockery.

Nlc Fraud Scandal: Arthur Mafokate Dragged Again After “Testing The Waters” 2Nlc Fraud Scandal: Arthur Mafokate Dragged Again After “Testing The Waters” 3Nlc Fraud Scandal: Arthur Mafokate Dragged Again After “Testing The Waters” 4Nlc Fraud Scandal: Arthur Mafokate Dragged Again After “Testing The Waters” 5

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