
Nomcebo Zikode Under Fire For Posing With Alleged Murderer, Livhuwani Madadzhe

South African singer Nomcebo has found herself in the middle of a drama in which she is an unwilling participant. The drama all started after the alleged murderer Livhuwani Madadzhe posted a picture posing with her.

Netizens who saw the Grammy-winning singer posing with Livhuwani Madadzhe were left shocked and incredulous, with many criticising Nomcebo for posing with him.

Livhuwani Madadzhe stands accused of killing his wife and throwing her remains in an unused pit toilet. He is standing trial for her murder but is currently out on bail. He had posted the pictures following a successful bail application. You can check out the picture below.

It was a big shock to many South Africans to see Nomveno posing with Livhuwani Madadzhe. They wondered why she should be with the man given his stained records.

Some social media users rose in her defence, though, insisting that the picture must have been taken before Livhuwani Madadzhe was outed as a suspected killer. As far as they were concerned, she is a celebrity who was just posing with a fan, with no knowledge of who he really was and what his records were.

It remains to be seen how Nomcebo would address the criticisms – if at all.

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