
Nomzamo Mbatha Lauded For Excellent Performance As Queen Nandi In “Shaka iLembe”

“Shaka iLembe” is the in-thing for many flick viewers in South Africa right now, and they have been interrogating the series since it was officially unveiled. One person who has wowed viewers so far is actress Nomzamo Mbatha.

She played the role of Queen Nandi. She had been superlative in that role – according to viewers – and they have been celebrating her ever since.

On particularly impressed fans had taken to Twitter, where she noted that Nomzamo Mbatha was excellent in her role as Nandi. In reaction to that tap of approbation, the actress thanked the fan and noted that her words meant the world to her.

“Shaka iLembe” illuminates the distant pasts – the 1700s so to speak, bringing to modern viewers the life and legacy of Shaka Zulu, one of the greatest Zulu kings. This isn’t the first about that legendary figure, but it is what is currently trending and what has snagged the attention of many South Africans.

Nomzamo Mbatha getting the approval of viewers for her acting is by no means surprising. She had already distinguished herself in South Africa’s film universe and even made a name in Hollywood before she snagged her current role. And she’s still on a roll.

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