
Nonku Williams Talks Personal Growth Through Seasons Of RHOD

For many, the ultimate goal is growth and not stagnation. But, of course, not everyone ends up witnessing the growth they anticipated, hoped or worked for. For those who witness this growth, there is so much to be grateful for.

Well, South African reality show star and entrepreneur Nonku Williams falls into the second category. She has witnessed remarkable growth in several aspects of her life and she couldn’t;t be more grateful.

Nonku has been around since season 1 of the reality show The Real Housewives of Durban (RHOD), and by her own account, there has been remarkable growth in several aspects of her life through the seasons.

Of particular note is that she is more calm and there have been improvements in her speech and demeanour. According to her, she feels like God and life have grown and humbled her in the best way.

Now she feels she has grown a lot and can process things in a much healthier way. Not bad for someone who has been in the news lately over her failed relationship with Dumisani Ndlazi, her former lover, whom she claimed stole from her. He’s challenged her case and is headed to court to prove his innocence.

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