
Ntsiki Mazwai On Pearl Modiadie’s Amid Sexual Harassment Claims

Never one to keep quiet in a case she believes strongly in, controversial anti-GBV advocate and poet Ntsiki Mazwai has expressed her support for television personality Pearl Modiadie after she revealed she had faced  sexual harassment several times while on her job. According to Pearl, the station manager would use sexual innuendoes while addressing her.

Sunday World had reported that the former presenter at Metro FM was sexually harassed by the station’s manager while she was working there.  The following day, Pearl herself had confirmed the reports, leaving South Africa in shock.

Ntsiki Mazwai had joined other social media users to weigh in on the reports. A new hashtag #JusticeforPearl was coined to the Metro FM host gets justice. In a tweet, Ntsiki Mazwai has wondered if Metro FM would release a statement anytime soon. She had also shared the tweets of those calling for justice for Pearl.

By the way, Pearl isn’t the first presenter or media personality to complain of sexual harassment on the job. Ohrs have in the past. Sexual harassment and gender based violence are especially prevalent in South Africa

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