
Of Hits & Fruad: AKA’s Former Body Guard Under Investigation

These are pretty interesting times. While South Africans contend with the tragedy of AKA’s assassination, his former bodyguard, Anwar Khan, is facing serious scrutiny for allegedly sending hitmen that killed the bodyguard of Fort Hare University vice-chancellor.

Before this little detail emerged, it was reported that Khan, who runs a company that provides VIP security and has provided security for both local and international figures, was arrested on tender fraud charges alongside other alleged co-conspirators

It is claimed that Khan’s company, Pentagon Group, created a climate of fear through deadly shootings and other incidents that were then used as leverage to secure contracts.

Allegedly, he netted contracts worth R60 million this way. Authorities suspected racketeering because the company only employed five guards. The assumption then is that everything was inflated and part of the racket.

In all, the racket was said to have cost the university about R171 million which also led to the institution expressing significant financial distress.

The case will be heard at a Magistrates Court in the Eastern Cape, with Khan expected to appear when the case is heard. His link to the whole dram has caused quite a buzz online, with some wondering how he managed to “fall to this.”

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