
Operation Dudula: Actress Bonnie Mbuli Stands with Nhlanhla Lux

Operation Dudula leader Nhlanhla Lux is expected to apply for bail today, Monday, following his arrest and detention last week.

Nhlanhla Lux and his Operation Dudula throng had been accused of invading the home of an EFF member Victor Ramerafe and ransacking the place in their plan to rid their neighbourhood of drugs.

However, no drugs were found during the invasion, and Ramerafe had reported the incident at the Dobsonville police station. The EFF had also asked the SAPs to arrest Nhlanhla Lux.

He was eventually arrested after granting an interview to media personality Sizwe Dhlomo.

Nhlanhla Lux’s advocacy, codenamed Operation Dudula, seeks to toss illegal immigrants out of South Africa and give their jobs to the local population.

In his advocacy, he’s received the support of many and the scorn of many others.

Among those supporting his advocacy is David Kau and actress Bonnie Mbuli.

In a tweet, she had shared “Lux Soap” to show aher support for the embattled Operation Dudula leader. She had also shared about her experience in the United States.

In the States, according to her, she had to operate by the rules because the repercussions of going against the legal system were enormous. So, yes, she’s for Operation Dudula leader and his advocacy.

Operation Dudula: Actress Bonnie Mbuli Stands With Nhlanhla Lux 2Operation Dudula: Actress Bonnie Mbuli Stands With Nhlanhla Lux 3

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