
Picture Of MacG With His Dreadlocks Cut Amuses South Africans

MacG, the host of the soaraway Podfcat and Chill, snapped attention recently when he announced to his millions of admirers across South Africa that he has cut his dread. If you are a keen follower of the controversial media personality, then you probably know that his dreads are almost a trademark at this point.

Why did he choose to cut it? Did he really cut it, or he was just pulling the legs of his fans? The unanswered questions stem from the picture he tweeted to herald the new year. He merely showed his feet and what looks like a dump of human hair in the picture.

In the caption, he dropped a laconic, “Happy New Year to me.” Since he didn’t show a picture of him with his hair cut. his fans demanded to see his new look. At the time of writing, however, he had not humoured them.

Interestingly, one of his fans, the skilled Photoshop artist Mr Rumani, retouched a picture of him making him look bald (cleanly shaved) in the edited picture. The result amused many who saw it. But, of course, they still wanted MacG to reveal himself.

It is inevitable his new look will be out soon since a new episode of his Podcast and Chill drops in a bit. Until then stay tuned.

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