
Premier Oscar Mabuyane Unveils R106m School

Oscar Mabuyane, the premier of the Eastern Cape and member of the ruling African National Congress, has just unveiled a school project that allegedly costs R106 million.

In a post on his official X account, the politician shared a video and picture indicating the completion of a school project. The  Tyali Senior Secondary School in Centane, he noted, is a symbol of enduring commitment to quality education.

Beyond that, the premier also claimed that 100 units of similar structures have been built this term. You can check out the post below.

The reception so far has been wholly positive, with some South Africans congratulating the people of Centane on having gotten the school they have looked forward to for a while.

Some stated they were pleased because the school was actually completed and not abandoned halfway and left to rot as they have seen too many times.

Well, given the sheer positivity that has greeted the project, it appears like if the premier should continue with this momentum, providing the people with what they need, he wouldn’t have a struggle getting their votes when the time comes. And yes, the time isn’t too far away. Stay tuned if you please

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