
President Ramaphosa Calls For Jerusalema Challenge On Heritage Day As Prelude To Level One

There is palpable excitement in the entertainment industry in South Africa right now following President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed to the nation on Wednesday 16 September.

In his address, the president had encouraged a #Jerusalema challenge on Heritage Day. “Jerusalema” is a trending song by Master KG and his friend Nomcebo that easily fosters amity among people. Celebs like Christiano Ronaldo and Janet Jackson have long endorsed the song.

So when the president referenced the song in his broadcast, calling for a challenge, the nation was ecstatic. Fans of Master KG and fellow musos alike praised the president and Master KG alike.

The #Jerusalema challenge is a prelude to the easing of the lockdown even further – to level one. Level one might take effect at Midnight Sunday September 2020. Already, the sale of alcohol has been relaxed.

Apparently DJ Tira was prescient when he said about two days ago that he smells level one. That level, which will open up the entertainment industry even further, is almost here… just days away.

What do you think of the imminent move to level one in lockdown? Were you expecting it? You might want to join the conversation by dropping your thoughts in the comment section below.

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