
President Ramaphosa Signs New bills to Fight GBV and State Capture Corruption

President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed a new bill to law to fight GBV and State Capture Corruption.

On Friday, May 24, President Ramaphosa signed two new bills to law to combat Gender-Based Violence and investigate high-profile corruption cases. He signed the National Council on GBV and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Amendment Bill.

He said,

“As we mark 30 years of democracy we know our aspirations to be a truly free and equal society cannot be achieved as long as criminals steal the resources meant for the benefit of the people. And women and children do not feel safe and free to walk our streets.”

According to further reports about the new bills, “The Investigating Directorate against Corruption will be a permanent, prosecution-led agency with full criminal investigating powers.” The new legislation will aid in overcoming “challenges with capacity and expertise within the NPA to investigate and prosecute complex cases.”

The president said, “Today we are taking another important step in our quest to promote accountability. The criminal actions of those involved in corruption and the perpetrators of gender-based violence may differ in nature but the consequences of both are devastating.”

He shared his hopes for the council to provide all that is needed to strengthen national effort to combat violence against women and children.

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