
Priddy Ugly On His Sex Life With Bontle Modiselle

Sex is an area of life that just comes up over and over again, showing just how important it is, especially for couples in a relationship. It also explains why it is of great interest, especially when it involves a celebrity couple. What does great sex mean for either of them?

Well, this was one question that popped up during the Showmax Reality show Sunday Sexy Love, with celebrity couple Priddy Ugly and his wife Bontle Modiselle as guests. The question was put to Priddy Ugly and he happily answered it.

According to the “EGYPT” chanter, great sex for him is always about satisfying his woman. He noted that a man really has to satisfy his wife’s sexual needs, while also adding that they have a great sex life.

Priddy Ugly also asked his wife what she misses the most about him and she admitted that she misses the silly things when they are together and the pet names he gave her. You can check out the video below.

Priddy Ugly and Bontle Modiselle are among South Africa’s most loved couples. They have been together for more than a decade but got married in 2019. Many point to them as the ideal couple. Can you beat that?

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