
Priddy Ugly Propepd For Big Revelation That Will Change The Industry

Is there imminent good news for South African musicians, especially those who have contracts with record labels or are looking to have contracts with record labels? Local rapper Priddy Ugly has a resounding yes to that.

As one of the respected voices in South African music, he should know, perhaps. In a recent tweet, the “EGYPY” crooner informed the public that he has, alongside his lawyers, been going through his contracts with record labels in over a decade.

According to him, what they have unearthed so far is pretty shocking and will revolutionise the industry for the good of all. His post was met with both warmth and asceticism, with som wondering how hat he had found out would necessarily change the industry, which they believe is under the grip of corporations that are more interested in themselves than in artists. You can check out the post below.

Priddy Ugly Propepd For Big Revelation That Will Change The Industry 1

Whatever the case, Priddy Ugly has shreed his thoughts. Now all eyes are on him to see what he will eventually reveal with his attorneys and what impact these revelatiosnw ill have in the industry. We ae, of course, following things up and will bring you more details as they drop. Stay tuned.

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