
Queen Mary 2 Sets Sail Once Again Amidst Durban Harbor’s Expansion Plans

The Queen Mary 2's return to Durban, South Africa

The world-renowned ocean liner, the world’s second-biggest, returned to the city for the first time in three years. The ship’s arrival coincides with the expansion of Durban’s port, and tourists from all over the world were anxious to experience the region’s cultural offerings.

The Queen Mary 2 last visited Durban in 2021, during the height of the Covid-19 epidemic. Passengers on the ship tested positive for the virus then, and the ship was stationed outside the harbor for several days. This time, however, the arrival of the ship was greeted with excitement and anticipation.

As the ship docked, some passengers disembarked to explore the tourist attractions of Durban and the surrounding area. Many were shuttled to places like the Valley of a Thousand Hills, the Inanda Heritage Route, and the uMhlanga Lagoon Nature Reserve. These sites provide a glimpse into the region’s diverse cultural and natural beauty.

The Queen Mary 2 is a magnificent ship, spanning 345 meters long and 45 meters wide at the bridge wings. It’s a floating wonderland with a ballroom, a planetarium, and numerous swimming pools. While on board, passengers were treated to various activities such as painting, quizzes, and talks. There were chances for round-the-deck jogging, table tennis, and swimming for the more active guests.

Passengers on the ship could also sample some of Durban’s cultural attractions. They were treated to displays of traditional Indian and Zulu dancing, which highlighted the region’s rich cultural history. The ship’s captain was even given a Zulu spear and shield, which he proudly exhibited as a souvenir of the ship’s visit to Durban.

The people of Durban are filled with joy and accomplishment as the Queen Mary 2 sets sail again. The ship’s return visit was a testament to the city’s tenacity and resolve, which has seen many storms. The Queen Mary 2 will take a piece of KwaZulu-Natal with its global journey, as the ship’s shield and spear are now part of its cultural legacy.

Finally, the return of Queen Mary 2 to Durban was a historic event for the city and its people. Passengers on the ship were treated to a unique experience highlighting the region’s rich cultural and natural legacy. As the ship sets sail again, it takes Durban’s memories and spirit, and a new chapter in the city’s history begins.

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