
Ralf Gum On Why He Denied Prince Kaybee Permission To Remix His Classic “Take Me To My Love”

Apparently, music producer Prince Kaybee had wanted to remix his compatriot Ralf Gum’s “Take Me To My Love” song, but Gum declined. Well, he has just given insights into that moment and why he declined.

Of course, remixing the songs of other musicians is nothing novel – not in any part of the world. In fact, some people don’t even ask for permission but go ahead to release a remix of the songs of other artists. But Prince Kaynee wanted to do things the right way.

While Prince Kaybee wasn’t direct about asking for the right to remix the song, he made his intention clear in a tweet, tagging Ralf Gum in the event he might have some objections to the move. And indeed Ralf Gum wasn’t cool with him remixing that classic.

In response to Prince Kaybee’s tweet in which he described the song as one of the best dance songs out there and indicated his intention to remix it, Gum had dropped an emphatic “Don’t” capitalizing and spacing each alphabet for emphasis, as you can see below.

Ralf Gum On Why He Denied Prince Kaybee Permission To Remix His Classic “Take Me To My Love” 2

According to Gum, the reason for not allowing Prince Kaybee to release a remix of the song is that the original artist  most times tends not to benefit from the remix

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