
Rickelle Jones On Claims She’s Slowing Down A-Reece’s Career

Will there ever be an end to the claim that Rickelle Jones is slowing down the career of her boyfriend A-Reece? The narrative of growth limitation by association has been there for a while, sporadically taking the top spot on social media and then disappearing again.

Somehow, the same narrative is being projected as we write. Yes, the claim that Rickelle Jones is slowing down A-Reece’s career is taking centre stage once again. But what has she got to say about the claims she’s slowing down her boyfriend’s career?

Well, she addressed those claims recently. She was dismissive of the claims, pointing out that she is merely his road manager and not in charge of his career. She clarified he has a management that takes care of that, including a booking manager and lawyer.

She also pointed her “detractors” to magazine interviews that the “Paradise” rapper had granted in the past in which he noted that he was (really is) in a great place as an independent artist, doing things his own way.

By the way, Rickelle Jones and A-Reece started dating during his days with The Wrecking Crew (TWC). The group has since collapsed but Rickelle’s relationship is still standing.

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