
Rihanna Secured Ventilator For Dad After He Tested Positive For COVID-19

Rihanna buys her father ventilator after he tested positive for Coronavirus.

Ronald, Rihanna’s father revealed that he contracted the virus few months ago and was taken to an isolation center. Although the singer and her father once had a rocky relationship due to his drug habits but Ronald confirmed his daughter was with him all through his trying time.

The singer shipped a ventilator down to her father in the Caribbean where he tested positive for the virus. Ronald speaking after he recovered from the virus said he thought he was going to die, but was given the encouragement he needed from his daughter who assured him that he was going to be fine and supported fully financially.

According to the sun, who held an interview with the dad in Barbados, Rihanna had been checking up on him daily, ever since he was confirmed to have contracted the virus.

Ronald thought he was going to die and was thankful to the daughter who had ensured everything was done right.

My daughter Robyn was checking in on me every day, I thought I was going to die to be honest. I have to say, I love you so much, Robyn. She did so much for me. I appreciate everything she has done.

Ronald told the sun.

Ronald tested negative for the virus again, after spending 14 days in the isolation centre and has urged people to take the virus seriously, even moving towards telling the government to issue a lockdown.

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