
Royal Dispute: Balobedu Nation Distances Itself from Mzansi Magic’s Queen Modjadji Series

Controversy Arises as Royal Council Denies Consultation for Historical Drama

In a brewing controversy, the Balobedu Royal Council has formally disassociated itself from Mzansi Magic’s upcoming historical drama series, “Queen Modjadji,” alleging lack of consultation and permission for the depiction of the Rain Queen’s life story.

The Rain Queen of the Balobedu nation, Her Majesty Queen Masalanabo the VII, alongside the current Balobedu Royal Council chaired by Dr. Masilo Mogale, have emphatically refuted any involvement or endorsement of MultiChoice’s production. This statement came in response to MultiChoice’s claim of consulting multiple stakeholders, including the Royal Council, before commencing production.

The announcement of “Queen Modjadji” came swiftly after the success of Mzansi Magic’s previous historical drama, “Shaka iLembe,” sparking anticipation among viewers. However, this excitement was overshadowed by allegations of insufficient due diligence in obtaining consent from relevant authorities.

MultiChoice, in response to the brewing controversy, denied the impending threat of a lawsuit, asserting their adherence to consultation protocols with various stakeholders, including historians and academics. Nevertheless, the Balobedu Royal Council maintains that neither the Rain Queen nor the Council granted permission for the portrayal of royal affairs in the upcoming series.

Chairman Mogale conveyed the Council’s stance, denouncing any unauthorized depiction of the Balobedu Nation’s royal affairs and urging the public to disregard information not originating from official channels.

Despite the dispute over permission, production for “Queen Modjadji” reportedly progresses steadily, with scripting and casting nearing completion, and filming set to commence soon. MultiChoice’s commitment to showcasing African heritage through authentic storytelling underscores their vision for locally produced content.

This incident isn’t the first time MultiChoice has faced scrutiny over historical accuracy in its productions. In a previous instance concerning “Shaka iLembe,” reports emerged questioning the portrayal of Zulu history, prompting the entertainment company to address concerns regarding misrepresentation.

As the controversy surrounding “Queen Modjadji” unfolds, it underscores the complexities of balancing historical storytelling with cultural sensitivities and the importance of ethical consultation processes in media production.

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