
Sbahle Siyakhula: Ntando Duma Launches Kiddies Salon, Says “We Are Hiring”

A while back, it was rumoured that South African actress Ntando Duma was about to set up a creche that would be named after her only daughter, Sbahle Mzizi. She had denied the claims at the time,  but she has just given perspective into that rumour: She shared what she had been working on all along.

In a post on her verified Instagram page, she had shared that she’s just opened a kiddies salon named Sbahle Siyakhula. That’s been a long dream of hers, but she kept things under wraps until she finalised the project and launched it.

The salon, which she also admitted was deliberately named after her daughter, would cater to the needs of rots and young people, providing bespoke services and much more.

Now, of course, such a salon cannot run itself. There must be people to run it, and Ntando Duma is ready to take the plunge and hire the best. In the post announcing the establishment of the kiddies salon, she had also noted the company was hiring.

She didn’t post the open positions, however. She merely mentioned the Instagram handle of the salon, potentially where applicants can get more information about all open positions.

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