
Shebeshxt On His Frequent Violent Altercations With Fans

He is known as much for his music as for his sporadic, violent altercation with fans. But what is the reason behind his action, which many South Africans find jarring?

Well, during an appearance on the L-Tido podcast, the Limpopo rapper clarified that he indeed smacks people but it is always done out of love and not spite. He insisted on not hating anyone.

According to him, for the most part, the people he smacks are drunk, and his smacking them is his way of waking them up, for when they are drunk, they act differently.

He admitted as part of the interview: “I only hit them once just to prove that I am not trying to fight. It is usually to tell them to relax and not start anything with me.” Well, while some of his fans appeared willing to accept his explanation, some of them were unimpressed with his take.

Either way, the songster has addressed a very important subject about himself that people have been seeking answers for.

In the past, he had had to apologise for attacking a fan. Maybe the attacks will end sometime soon? Time surely will have answers to that question. Stay tuned if you please.

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