
Sho Madjozi Dating Maps Maponyane ?

Speculations entrepreneur Maps Maponyane and Sho Madjozi are dating are heating up, with some social media denizens sharing what they consider evidence to support their daring claims. 

Of course, neither Sho nor Maps has said anything about being a couple. But how long until they address speculations about their relationship? 

Previously, social media sleuths had shared images indicating Sho and Maps were at the same place and at the same time in Rwanda. With the days flying by, the sleuths are throwing more evidence in the public domain – evidence that apparently affirms the dating rumours. You can check out the pictures below. 

Here is Sho Madjozi being captured at a basket ball game

Sho Madjozi Dating Maps Maponyane ? 2

Maps Maponyane being photographed at the exact same spot

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Maps Maponyane wearing the same outfit and standing by the basketball game sign

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Sho Madjozi wearing the same outfit and standing by the basketball game signSho Madjozi Dating Maps Maponyane ? 5

Sho Madjozi standing by a waterfall while holding an engraved stick

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Maps Maponyane standing by the same waterfall while holding the same engraved stick Sho Madjozi is holding

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Maps Maponyane’s outfit sticking out of the picture, even though they tried to cut it away.

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By the way, previously, Maps had been to reported to have engaged the “Wuz Dat” rapper Boity. Peeps had speculated about the engagement because the two were often to be found together. Well, things had unraveled much later, with Boity showing her man as no other than the a Tor Anton Jeftha. Will things be different in the case of Maps and Sho? 

Well, what do you think of the speculations Maps and Sho Madjozi are dating? Do you share the same verdict based on the “evidence” so fa released by social media sleuths? You’re welcome to join the conversation by dropping your thoughts in the comment section below. 

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