
Shock, Outrage As Harvey Weinstein’s Sex Crimes Conviction Is overturned

In a move that had many people across Hollywood scratching their heads, Harvey Weinstein’s sex crimes conviction has just been overturned.

The movie producer was convicted of rape and asexual assault back in 2020 amid approving nods from sections of Hollywood, including some of the ladies that caused him of sexual asault.

In amove that reverberated across Holly wood, though, the New York Court of Appeals, the cCity’s highest court, overturned the producer’s conviction. The verdict caused quite a buzz inlne, with some of those who had accused him of rape pointing out that he was rightly convicted and the overturning of his rape conviction a travesty.

One such accuser, Rosanna Arquette, was defiant, pointing out to The Hollywood Reporter that “Harvey was rightfully convicted. It’s unfortunate that the court has overturned his conviction. As a survivor, I am beyond disappointed.”

Her disappointment is shard by several other women, both those who accused the disgraced producer and those who are simply following the case.

Whether the current wave of disappointment over the overturning of the conviction will provoke a new inquiry is unclear, but the disgraced producer, who is still in jail, will certainly welcome this  “small win” amid the prevailing smudge of ignominy

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