
Simmy Added To Bassline Fest 2023 Line-up

Famous Mzansi singer Simmy has been added to the line-up of performers at Baseline Fest 2023.

The 2023 edition of the Baseline Fest is set to be a fun event. The festival is scheduled to happen at Constitution Hill in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 20 May, and fans are already excited.

New performers were recently added to the line-up. They include famous Mzansi singer Simmy and German band The Planetoids featuring South African artist Namakau Star. They will join headlining acts Sjava and DBN Gogo, Afrotronix (Chad/Canada), Scúru Fitchádu (Cape Verde/Portugal), and Fayazer (Reunion Island) to hold down the fort on that day.

The festival said it “is set to be a day of music and celebration of our humanity, resilience and overall incredible creativity and talent that our beautiful African continent births. The line-up of artists reflect the inclusivity, diversity, and tolerance that the city of Jozi inhabits.”

“Bassline Fest is grateful its presenting partner the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture for coming on board in the support of the live music industry and in celebration of Africa month, and its associate partner Castle Lite. Also supporting Bassline Fest will be Music In Africa and the ACCES conference, Jägermeister and Goethe-Institute who have made the performance of The Planetoids featuring Namakau Star possible.”

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