
Siv Ngesi, Gareth Cliff Disappointed With The State of Durban

A reality of life is that whatever isn’t maintained almost always goes to seed – decay. And for those who care at all, it is distressing what such happens. Sometimes, also, they begin an advocacy to recover the lost.

Well, there are some people -notable voices in South Africa – who are unimpressed with what they feel is the decline of a city they have known and loved, Durban. This is the reality of Sic Ngesi and Gareth Cliff.

From what he posted, Siv hasn’t been in the city for a while. On his return though, he was confounded by what he saw. The city has changed into what he could barely recognise.

In a [pst on X, he wondered out loud so the city got messed up the way it did. By his own account, with its temperature, beaches and more, Durban should be another Miami and not the crummy dump people have turned it into.

It turned out that Gareth Cliff shared Siv Ngesi’s verdict about the state of Durban, He also shared SIv’s post with the comment that Durban used to be South Africa’s version of Miami, but now it is Mogadishu – the capital city of a failed state called Somalia.

Well, will Durban change for the better anytime soon?

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