
#SkeemSaam: Viewers Talk Eunice’ Dramatic Change and Lehasa

he latest episode of the popular South African telenovela Skeem Saam had viewers commenting on how people seem to take their blessings for granted after they get them.

The basis for this verdict is no other than the character Eunice. Once upon a time, she was a depressed graduate who couldn’t fathom why she couldn’t get a job long after finishing university.

And then, she had gotten the job, and her actions and attitude had a 360-degree spin, leaving viewers wondering if she was the same character they had watched before. As far as some viewers are concerned, she’s playing with the job she just got. And if she should lose it now, she would be out there looking to who to blame.

Lehasa’s got the attention of viewers as well. But most of them think the actor’s line has become drab at this point and is dragging unnecessarily.

One particularly annoyed viewer had shared a meme indicating hand washing and making it clear she’s now giving up on the Lehasa character – or the scriptwriter’s handling of it. You can check out the comments below.

Skeem Saam is one of the most popular soapies in South Africa, engaging viewers with every episode.

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