
South Africans Listened To More Local Songs This Year – As Revealed By Spotify Wrapped 2023

It is often said that change is constant. This couldn’t be truer about South Africa’s music industry and how locals related to music released in the Rainbow Nation this year. The data to support came from now other than Spotify in its annual “Spotify Wrapped” release.

“Spotify Wrapped” is an annual stock-taking by the streaming giant, giving insights about artists around the world and how their music was consumed and from where. This year’s shows a remarkable change compared to last year.

According to “Spotify Wrapped” more South Africans listened to local songs this year unlike in 2022. The reason for the swerve in taste and focus on local content by listeners is unclear, and Spotify didn’t address the reason for that. But one thing should be clear at least, more music that resonated with the local audience was likely released this year.

Of particular interest is that the amapiano genre is doing pretty well and has not lost its place in South African, music, a testament to the genre’s appeal to the local population.

With the “wrap” for 2023 already out, all eyes are likely now focused on what the coming year might hold, and if the local audience will maintain their interest in more local music.

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