
Stogie T On His Falling Out With Blaklez

If you have been wondering why Blaklez and Stogie T don’t appear to get along very well, you’ve got an answer right here – from one of the two notable musicians. 

On what the issue might be, Stogie T had said that it was only a difference of opinion on how good an artiste Blaklez was. He admitted he was disrespectful and therefore wrong in the way he expressed his opinion. 

He, however, insisted that he stands by his opinion of Blaklez as an artiste. He admitted he was belligerent at the outset and he regrets it. He described the issue as corny. 

Stogie T, a respected lyricist, made this revelation on the set of his Triple Distilled Podcast with Pristine Queen of Massiv Metro and America’s SteveBussaGS.

Stogie T is famous as much for his music as for speaking his mind. So it is inevitable he should fall out with some people now and then. 

By the way, the “Empire of Sheep” star recently called out Rashid Kay for misidentifying an anti-apartheid crusader who had been hanged for murder decades ago in South Africa. 

You can watch the video of Stogie T discussing his falling out with Blaklez below. What do you think of it? You may want to share your thoughts with us in the comment section. 

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