
Thamsanqa Gabuza’s Criminal Case Postponed

It is not yet uhuru for TS Galaxy star Thamsanqa Gabuza whose criminal case has just been postponed to December 19.

The footballer was arrested last month for allegedly smashing three phones and a laptop belonging to his ex-girlfriend. As part of his trial, he appeared at the Alexandra Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 11 December. He was released on R 3k bail and his case was adjourned.

The basis for the adjournment was the state informing the court that it was still investigating. How long until it concludes its investigation is unclear at this point. However, the case is of great interest to many South Africans and for good reasons.

For one, domestic violence is prevalent in South Africa, with multiple cases reported daily. So many South Africans are keen to see how things will unravel between the footballer and his estranged girlfriend.

The case between the TS Galaxy star and his estranged girlfriend started on November 11. According to the South Africa Police Service (SAPS), he had visited her at her Sandton home and asked for sex. She declined.

Allegedly, he became aggressive then and pushed her toward the bedroom. She allegedly fled to the lounge where he reportedly followed her, ultimately smashing her phones against the wall.

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