
The 1 Euro Coin Festering The Battle Between Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie

People get into a relationship hoping for the best outcomes. Sometimes, it doesn’t go the way they wish and anticipate, Thus former lovers become strangers, fighting where they once made love and embraced companionship.

This reality abounds in cultures and nations. From celebs to ordinary folks, the reality is the same.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are handy samples at the moment. The two used to be seen as the ideal couple in many circles. Their relationship was strong and the love between them was palpable.

Along the line, though, things had gone South and the two had split. leaving fans of their relationship devasted. Even while the fans nursed hopes of a reunion, the two appeared unready to fix up just yet.

When the going was good, the two ran a vineyard worth around $500 million. Pitt had reportedly given Angelina a 1 Euro coin as a token of an extra 10 per cent in their vineyard.

With their relationship over, Jolie had sold her stake in their winery. That’s where the drama begins, as Brad Pitt is insisting that the said Euro was actually never exchanged. A fierce legal battle appears to have begun, with the outcome keenly being watched by fans of the duo.

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