
The Moment Tyla Teaches Jennifer Hudson To Dance To Her “Water” Hit

South African singer Tyla is the lady of the moment, and she is milking her current buzz for everything it is worth. Well, who in her position wouldn’t do the same? She has paid the price to be where is currently is. So she is on point to celebrate and enjoy every step of her success, with some of the top names in the industry, home and abroad.

That moment presented itself again during a meeting with American singer and actress Jennifer Hudson. Tyla was invited to the Jennifer Hudson Show for an interview, where she taught the American how to do the “Water” challenge.

“Water” is Tyla’s biggest song to date – the number that gave her global resonance and even earned her a Grammy nomination, making her one of the youngest South Africans to be nominated for that global scudetto.

Anyway, from the clip shared online, it was clear that Jennifer Hudson was in the mood for something goofy and had a good time following Tyla as she guided her on how to do the challenge. It was a beautiful moment and worth the playtime, as you will find in the accompanying YouTube embed below. Watch it and see for yourself.

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