
The Zondo Commission Rubbishes Zuma’s Testimony On Themba Maseko

Former South African Jacob Zuma’s testimony at the state capture commission has been described as dishonest.

The embattled former president was speaking on the removal of Themba Maseko as the head of government communications. Back then, Zuma had reportedly instructed the late Collins Chabane, a former minister in the presidency, to remove Maseko.

The state capture commission, which is also called the Zondo Commission because it’s headed by Justice Raymond Zondo, had found that the removal of Maseko and his replacement with Mzwanele Manyi was at great cost to the country.

The commission found that under Manyi, government communications made its largest ever payment to New Age, a publication owned by the Gupta brothers.

The publication is said to be the brainchild of ex-president Zuma, whom the commission found to have tried to coerce Maseko into assisting the Guptas.

The report, which is in two parts, details the insidious innards of state capture, as well as those who are either facilitators or resistors. Where Manyi falls into the category of facilitators and those who benefited from state capture, Maseko falls into the category of resistors.

The second report of the Zondo Commission will be out toward the end of January. You may want to keep an eye for that by following us on social media.

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