
Three Months After His Assassination AKA’s Fans, The Megacy, Continues #JusticeForAKA Advocacy

It’s been three months since AKA was murdered in the streets and his fans, collectively known as the Megacy, are becoming impatient with the slow pace of the investigation and patent lack of leads. Now they are rallying on social media to ensure that the case remains alive and that the killers are eventually unearthed and prosecuted.

February 10 this year came like any other day for AKA. He was to perform in Durban. But the show was reportedly cancelled and he decided to chill out with his associates. Soon after he stepped out of Wish Reataurant, an assassin materialised out of the blue and shot him dead at point-blank range. He fell on the spot, bloodied – never again to share the embrace of his girlfriend Nadia Nakai and his family.

It was a death no one saw coming, and South Africans were understandably outraged by it all, especially so because another celebrated musician, DJ Sumbody, had been killed two months earlier and his assassins were never found. Would the AKA case be unresolved as well?

The Megacy is adamant it mustn’t happen. So they are rallying on Twitter and calling on the authorities to ensure that the case is not swept under the rug.

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