
Thuso Mbedu Gets Mzansi Talking With Leg-Baring Outfit

Years back, the focus was on Steffi Graf. Now it appears like the world has its eyes on Thuso Mbedu at the moment, following her release of a picture of her, which has since been shared multiple times.

In the said pic, she could be seen standing by a railing with the Eiffel Tower in the background. She had her shades on and looked pretty gorgeous. However, from the look of things, many people decided to focus on her legs, praising their shapeliness.

And that was what gained resonance soon after. If this would be interpreted as something else is not for us to decide. But by writing about the same, we hope we’d not be cast into the barn of those trying to …ize her. But that’s by the way. You can check out the post below.

Thuso Mbedu is one of South Africa’s most loved actresses, both on the home scene and internationally. So it was inevitable she should be a subject of attention over how she turned up in Paris. She is one of the few South Africans flying the South African flag on the international film scene. And yes, she has earned her stripes and continues to give reasons to younger actors to look up to her.

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