
Tshwala Bam Challenge: Paul Pogba Impresses Mzansi With His Performance – Watch

Even though it’s been a while since the “Tshwala Bam” tune was released, the song continues to gain resonance around the world, with several famous figures joining in, home and abroad.

One bloke who stands out here is the celebrated footballer Paul Pogba. So good has been his performance of the “Tshwal Bam” challenge that many now see him as the ambassador of the song out there.

Well, the footballer himself doesn’t mind the tag. In fact, he appears to relish it, as seen from the reactions to the latest video of him doing the challenge. His performance was effortless and beautiful, according to most of those who saw the clip.

For a professional footballer who isn’t cut for such a thing, it actually shows his versatility and ability to take on new challenges outside what many consider the scope of his skill and interest.

In a post on his official Instagram page, he’d shared the clip of himself doing the challenge. Fans loved what they saw and praised him accordingly.

The video drops amid the spectre of his ban from football following his failing a drugs test. he was tested and found to have taken banned substances to enhance his performance. But, of course, life goes on.

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